breaking the massage myths
In France, a wellness massage is often associated with "tickles” and not considered a true wellness session, and that whatever the sex of the practitioner.
For a medical massage done by a physical therapist, there are less apprehension about it because the patient as often more conscience of the benefits of the massage for his or her own health.
The wellness massage is often referred to as "esthetic", and reduced to the act of "being oiled up" instead of being considered as anatomical, energetic, physiological, sensory, or even aromachological (the influence of the scents).
The main clichés associate the wellness massage with a beauty salon, the lotus flower or the oils, and these falsehoods give a connotation of sensuality and femininity that could potentially bother some individuals.
As soon as we consider the wellness massage as a "real and true" wellness experience with health benefits and not a simple "tickling" session, reluctance goes away. One will then easily accept getting a massage from either a woman or a man. The reluctance to be massaged by a man is very often lifted after having tried it, thanks to the professionalism and the communication of the practitioner.
As one of my regular male clients says, "once your eyes are closed, you don't even think about whose hands are massaging you because your tensions melt away".
Unconsciously, a massage performed by a woman is thought of as being softer, as opposed to one performed by a man which is thought of as being stronger, more tonic and deeper. This false idea comes from the collective thought process that associates men with force and women with softness.
A man's touch is no better or worse than a woman's touch, it's just different, and more and more people are looking for that difference, and appreciate it when they finally find it.
LA wellness massage (and even a medical one) is an experience triggered by the touch, without any sexual connotation. The touch is probably the oldest form of manual therapy, practiced since the beginning of times.
For some, the touch is synonymous with intimacy. It is therefore extremely important to respect everyone's intimacy to instill trust and to achieve the goal of relaxation and well being we are looking for. You can decide to not massage certain parts of your body for whatever reason, which I will respect without any questions asked. I will answer any of your concerns in case any doubts remain.
Contrary to many massage places, at Zen Minervois, you disrobe and get ready for your massage without anyone in the room, and you take the time you need to do so. You just have to "ring the bell" to let me know that you are ready to start your experience.
For the more modest, I offer the draping technique. This technique generally used in the USA allows to be covered entirely with a sheet to protect your intimacy. Its goal is to reassure and make for even "safer" environment for the person who could potentially feel vulnerable.
This technique allows to concentrate exclusively on one body part which is uncovered (back, arm or leg...). The rest of the body remains covered with the sheet. The shy person will then be able to relax and fully enjoy the benefits of his or her massage.
The choice of what to wear during your massage is entirely yours and doesn't change the quality, the finality, or the benefits of the massage you'll always receive with professionalism, and with utmost respect of your intimacy and your being.
Un massage est comme un antidépresseur. Lorsque les récepteurs du toucher sont manipulés, votre système produit de plus grandes quantités de sérotonine, un neurotransmetteur qui stimule naturellement l'humeur. Votre cerveau reçoit plus qu'un bain de sérotonine. Il produit davantage de dopamine, un neurotransmetteur associé au plaisir qui peut provoquer un état d'euphorie comparable à celui d'une drogue. C'est pourquoi on se sent si bien après un massage.
Mes massages sont des massages intuitifs énergétiques "signature", principalement destinés à lutter contre le stress du quotidien et à vous détendre profondément. Ils sont personnalisés en fonction de vos besoins spécifiques. Ils sont le fruits de plus de 20 ans d'expérience. Leur finalité est renforcée par les bienfaits des huiles utilisées, par les pauses de soin énergétique, et par la sérénité et l'authenticité de l'environnement dans lequel ils sont prodigués.
A quand votre tour ?
Les massages intuitifs énergétiques sont des soins de bien-être et non des soins de traitement médicaux. Ils ne remplacent ni les traitements, ni les avis, ni les suivis médicaux. Vis à vis de la loi 46.857 du 30 avril 1946, des articles L 4321.1 et R 4321.3 du code de la santé publique et de l'ordonnance 2008-507 du 30 mai 2008, il ne s'agit nullement de soins médicaux ou de kinésithérapie, mais en accord avec l'article 38 de la loi 2005-882 du 02 aout 2005, de moyens d'harmonisation du corps et de l'esprit, ainsi que d’hygiène de vie par la relaxation physique et la détente.